Our extensive network of connections gives you access to the industry’s widest possible retailer account base. From getting music onto shelves to window takeovers and instore promotional events, we’ll make sure your campaign achieves maximum impact
Our Services
Instore Events
Unmatched customer reach and relationships across catalogue and new release sales via our network of over 500 independent retailers and chains
Unrivalled ability to place vinyl, CD, DVD, Blu-Ray and cassettes onto shelves, online and into warehouses throughout the UK and internationally
Well-established links to non-traditional retail for maximum sales opportunities
Five regionally based account managers covering the entire UK
Broad range of promotional techniques including poster mailout, merchandise, full window displays, store takeovers, FSDUs, counter boxes and bespoke marketing packs
A unique, timed presale rollout that is specifically designed for each release
Instore performances, signings and PAs with established and breaking acts
Access to a wide range of iconic venues across the UK, in partnership with our network of retailers